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Sentinel Law Group, P.C

Whether you are approaching marriage or coming away from one, your personal autonomy matters. Make sure you and your assets are protected by establishing a credible written contract. Planning for the future is important, and Sentinel Law Group, P.C. has the tools necessary to give you the legal security you deserve.

OGDEN Prenuptial Agreement Lawyers

Prenuptial and Postnuptial agreementsCaring & Capable Utah Family Law Attorneys

Prenuptial agreements – also known as premarital agreements or prenups – have become more common among couples today. These agreements are created to predetermine certain matters should the marriage end in divorce or death. Prenuptial agreements are written contracts that become legally binding once the marriage is finalized.

If you need help creating your prenuptial agreement, you should consult with a qualified legal professional who can ensure that your agreement is created per Utah law. At Sentinel Law Group, P.C., we concentrate our practice on family law, which means we are well-versed in the statutes, precedents, and procedures governing prenuptial agreements. Our Ogden prenuptial agreement attorneys offer outstanding legal representation and put clients’ interests first.

Call (801) 784 6250 to arrange for a free consultation regarding your prenuptial agreement.

What Prenuptial Agreements Do

Prenuptial agreements are designed to designate how property, assets, and debts are to be addressed if the marriage ends. They can also make provisions for alimony. These contracts can designate property as marital or separate to protect each spouse’s rights.

In order to be valid, a prenuptial agreement must:

  • Be written
  • Not violate public policy or criminal law
  • Have been created after full disclosure of all property, assets, and debts by both parties
  • Not have been signed under coercion
  • Not be fraudulent

Get The Help You Need From Sentinel Law Group, P.C.

Our firm is here to ensure that you fully understand all the legalities and ramifications of your prenuptial agreement. Our goal is to help you draft a valid contract according to our state’s laws and provisions. We welcome the opportunity to provide you with caring and efficient legal service that will address all your needs and objectives.

Learn more about how we can assist you with a prenup by calling (801) 784 6250.

OGDEN Postnuptial Agreement Attorneys

Prenuptial and Postnuptial agreementsProtect Your Rights & Assets After Marriage

Utah law gives married couples the right to enter into a postnuptial agreement as a written contract. These contracts can establish how certain situations will be handled in the event of a separation, divorce, or death. Postnuptial agreements are post-marital, meaning they are created after the couple has already gotten married.

If you are interested in drafting a post-marital agreement, it is best to work with a legal professional who can ensure that your agreement is created according to Utah law and thus will stand up in court. At Sentinel Law Group, P.C., our Ogden postnuptial agreement lawyers have the knowledge and skills needed to help you craft a lawful contract that will meet your unique needs and goals.

Call us at (801) 784 6250 to learn how we can assist you with a postnuptial agreement today.

What Does A Postnuptial Agreement Do?

Postnuptial agreements are similar to prenuptial agreements in their purpose. These agreements can be simple or complex depending on your unique circumstances and needs. Postnuptial agreements can help protect your rights and assets should the marriage dissolve.

Examples of provisions in a postnuptial agreement include:

  • Rights to alimony and the duration of alimony
  • The division of marital property and assets
  • The division of marital debts and how they are to be paid
  • How property or assets will be passed along to children or other beneficiaries
  • How and to whom death benefits will be paid

These types of agreements are especially pertinent to couples who have formed blended families and who wish to preserve specific inheritances for children from previous relationships. They are helpful in cases where one party may be bringing significantly more property or assets into the marriage than the other, or where one party already has his or her own business. Such agreements can also protect a spouse from the other’s debt.

Sentinel Law Group, P.C. Can Help

Your first step in creating a postnuptial agreement is to talk to a knowledgeable legal professional about your specific needs and objectives and to learn how such an agreement can work for you. Our postnuptial agreement lawyers in Ogden are here to answer your questions and guide you through the process of drafting a comprehensive agreement.

Connect with us through our online contact form or by calling (801) 784 6250.

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